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Your Input Needed for The Human Element International Virtual Update March 2024

Get ready for the much-anticipated Human Element International Virtual Update happening in March 2024!

For those who enjoyed last year's Updates, sought more connections with like-minded LHEPs, or are curious about future Updates, it's time to re-plug into the vibrant Human Element community.

As we gear up for this event, we're keenly interested in your challenges and goals. We've been pondering over how our Global Community of LHEPs can best serve you in your unique situations.
The theme we've come up with is:

"Building Bridges: Connecting and Cultivating Confidence as LHEP"

However, we acknowledge our assumption might be off the mark. Your input is invaluable in shaping The Human Element International Virtual Update into an experience that brings out the best for everyone involved!

Share your thoughts, insights, and any additional challenges you'd like addressed. Together, let's create an Update that not only meets your needs but exceeds your expectations!

I look forward to co-creating an unforgettable Human Element experience.

Warm regards,
BCon Global Team

